Module GUIFrames

This module provides functions to create and manage GUI frames.


    local Frames = NGUI.Frames


Frames:Create (title) Returns a newly created frame with the specified title.
Frames:AddBehavior (fr, title) Adds standard behaviors to a frame like draggable, no resize, and custom close button.
Frames:Resize (fr) Resizes the frame to a standard size based on screen dimensions.
Frames:Unfocused (title) Creates an unfocused frame, usually for background use.
Frames:Input (title, acceptFunc, typeOfInput) Creates a frame dedicated to input fields.
Frames:Binder (title, command) Creates a frame specifically for binding commands or actions.
Frames:Rules (title, checkBoxes, acceptFunc) Creates a rules editor frame with checkboxes for various options.
Frames:AcceptDialogue (text, textYes, textNo, acceptFunc) Creates a dialogue frame with accept and decline options.
Frames:List (title) Creates a frame containing a list derived from a specified source.
Frames:ManyFields (text, tblFields, acceptFunc) Creates a frame with multiple input fields.


Frames:Create (title)
Returns a newly created frame with the specified title.


  • title string The title of the frame.


    frame Newly created frame.
Frames:AddBehavior (fr, title)
Adds standard behaviors to a frame like draggable, no resize, and custom close button.


  • fr framePanel The frame to which the behavior will be added.
  • title string The title of the frame.
Frames:Resize (fr)
Resizes the frame to a standard size based on screen dimensions.


  • fr frame The frame to resize.
Frames:Unfocused (title)
Creates an unfocused frame, usually for background use.


  • title string The title of the frame.


    frame The newly created unfocused frame.
Frames:Input (title, acceptFunc, typeOfInput)
Creates a frame dedicated to input fields.


  • title string The title for the input field.
  • acceptFunc function The function to call on input accept.
  • typeOfInput string Specifies the type of input.


    frame The frame containing the input.
Frames:Binder (title, command)
Creates a frame specifically for binding commands or actions.


  • title string The title of the frame.
  • command string The command to bind.


    frame, binder The frame and the binder panel.
Frames:Rules (title, checkBoxes, acceptFunc)
Creates a rules editor frame with checkboxes for various options.


  • title string The title of the rules editor.
  • checkBoxes table A table of checkboxes to include.
  • acceptFunc function The function to call when changes are accepted.


    frame The rules editor frame.
Frames:AcceptDialogue (text, textYes, textNo, acceptFunc)
Creates a dialogue frame with accept and decline options.


  • text string The text to display in the dialogue.
  • textYes string The text for the accept button.
  • textNo string The text for the decline button.
  • acceptFunc function The function to execute on accept.


    frame The dialogue frame.
Frames:List (title)
Creates a frame containing a list derived from a specified source.


  • title any The title of the list frame.


    frame The frame containing the list.
Frames:ManyFields (text, tblFields, acceptFunc)
Creates a frame with multiple input fields.


  • text any The title or main text for the frame.
  • tblFields any The table of fields for inputs.
  • acceptFunc any The function to call when inputs are accepted.


    frame, inputs The frame and the collection of inputs.
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2024-04-15 17:47:35