this framework contains a lot of useful functions for easy development of UI, working with database, and other things that programmers is usually do


nlit Main global module of Nlit’s addons
nlitLib The libfiner is an importer module for nlit libraries.
nlitLoad Global shared module.
nlitString The module for working with strings
nlitColors The module that contains colors.
nlitTest Test module for writing a unit tests
nlitCommands Commands for gmod-nlit-base
GUIButtons This module provides functions to create and manage GUI buttons.
GUIEditable Creates GUI Editable panels
GUIFrames This module provides functions to create and manage GUI frames.
GUIIcons This module provides functions to create and manage icons within GUI panels.
GUIInputs This module provides functions to create various input panels within a GUI.
GUILists Lists is GUI module for list panels
GUIMenus Menus is GUI module for menu panels
GUIPanels Panels is GUI module for panels
GUIText Text is GUI module for text panels
Lang Translates text
Translator Translates text

generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2024-04-15 17:47:35